Primate rescue and rehabilitaion sanctuary


animal protection & environmental sanctuary

A non-profit organisation specialising in Primate rehabilitation and rescue,
based in Kwazulu Natal - South Africa



APES Chatter 1       January 2001    - a periodic newsletter


Back to the wild

A number of the sanctuary inmates have returned to the wild this past year and we are delighted that we still see Bugs (see home page) Khaundaand her baby when the wild troop visit. Jackie, who disappeared about four years ago, is instantly recognisable and also remembers his name, has become the beta male of the wild troop. Khaunda is still the alpha male even though he is visibly getting on in years. We estimate he's fifteen or sixteen years old now and would have been retired if his original beta male, Arnold, had not been killed by one of our local residents.

Unfortunately we have had rather an unhappy year at APES mainly due to an uncaring neighbour who shot one of our juveniles, Cheetu, in April. This poor animal died a very painful death and we asked the SPCA to intervene but no progress has been made to date. The same person poisoned poisoned five of our youngsters. We managed to save two but unfortunately the other three died. The bodies were sent to Pretoria for analysis and it turns out to be organic phosphate poisoning. When I tried to speak to this person she was extremely rude and her husband admitted that they were putting out poison, I quote, ". . for these damn field mice and other things in the garden".

Minky had a baby boy but unfortunately he died after forty eight hours. It is quite common for the first baby not to survive but it isn't easy. Poor Minky was devastated and mourned for two weeks. We are also sad to report the passing of Lulu - she was rescued from Kwamakutu having been captured when her mother was killed. She had been kept tied to a pole with wire, bear in mind she was only three or four months old at the time and extremely small for her age. She had all the symptoms of poisoning, either by snake or other.
New Arrivals

Loo - due to being found in a toilet, was sent to us by the Care Centre who rescued him and got him back to health. He has now left the enclosure and is free to roam in the wild and leave permanently when he's ready.

Moggy - also from the Care Centre, was rescued from Chatsworth. She had an eye shot out but even so, she is doing remarkably well coping with being away from the enclosure. Moggy simply adores water and is often in the 'pool'.

Eyeless - who is totally blind and rescued fromEyeless Amanzimtoti. She had an eye shot out some time ago and the pellet travelled and has now destroyed the iris in the other eye. She is fully grown and really copes very well indeed.

Deedee - who did very well Deedeethanks to Misty's care at the Care Centre. She will never be able to be released but is happy in her enclosure and now climbs, challenges the wild troop when she feels like it, grooms Eyeless and generally behaves like a normal monkey. She even spends time grooming Bigboy (a lone male in the wild troop).

Season's babies

There are four at present;
Mandi was rescued in Mandini after her mother had been shot by a local farmer.
Karen came from Caravan Cove, Park Rynie after her mother died in child birth and was only two days old when she arrived.
Charlie is the saddest case. His mother was shot in the Beaconhill area with a shotgun and he was also wounded. He dropped off his mother and was found by a passing African who took him back to a friendly farmer. Unfortunately Charlie developed enteritis after being fed pure cows milk and was dehydrated and near death when brought to us, weighing only 130 grams. This serious illness left Charlie with brain and nerve damage and he was unable to hold up his head or grip with his hands. With a lot of love and care he is now doing much better, climbing and being a normal monkey - he is still a bit wobbly but adorable. He has a very endearing habit, he will look up at you and actually laugh and his eyes light up - even though there isn't a sound.
Prince Elliot, named after Dr Perchman who got him from a lady who brought him to the surgery after her two dogs had killed his mother. It is very evident he is from the elite of his troop and it's very interesting to observe his attitude to the other babies - he approaches them with his tail held up high and is very snooty to say the least. He isn't all that friendly with us either, in fact, he treats us with disdain and contempt . . . a leader of the future, I'm sure.

We've been very active this last year in reaching schools and the general public with talks and assistance on dealing with monkeys. Our thanks go out to the various Protection Services who have contacted us for assistance and passed on our contact details to members of the public who have required assistance. Thank you to all those people who care about the monkeys.

A special thank you to Minister Narend Singh, Minister of the Environment, for your help, support and understanding - all helping to ease the way and boost morale during what has a been quite a tough period.

Thanks also to all the wonderful people who helped in various ways - rescues, passing on information, referrals, donations and your moral support - we couldn't do it without you!

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a caring, prosperous and above all peaceful, new year.


APES Chatter 1
Back to the wild
New arrivals
Season's babies

Chatter 2nd_quarter
Chatter April2009
Chatter Oct 2008
Chatter July 2008
Chatter May 2007
Chatter 2007
Chatter 2006
Chatter 2005
Chatter 3
Chatter 2
Chatter 1

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Apes, 2001         last updated  October 28, 2004           webmaster